MAC presentation

If you are attending the Midwest Archives Conference in Columbus, OH this week, I’ll be giving a talk at the session “Like Navigating through Pea Soup: Privacy Concerns in Academic and Medical Records” on Friday, May 4th at 10:15 am. My talk is titled “Hiding Information or Providing Access to Archives (HIPAA): Protected Health Information in University Archives.” It is mostly a review of the Privacy Rule and the different approaches archives take in managing collections with PHI but it also tries to look further ahead to ways we can work with the Privacy Rule based on precedents set in other federally regulated issues (e.g. copyright & IRBs) as a way for us to try and move the HIPAA conversation forward. It is the product of my previously mentioned look at the HIPAA legislation.

I’ve uploaded a copy of the PowerPoint presentation for those who are interested.
