A school without walls

Where is the School of Public Health?

Over the years the administrative and programmatic offices for SPH have moved all over campus. Some might even call it a school without walls. A map of SPH locations in the late 1960s illustrates the point.


The map is from a 1969 narrative about the School and its space needs. The report provides a great historical overview of the SPH up until the reorganization of the health sciences into the present day Academic Health Center in 1970. It emphasizes the history of the School and its community partnerships as well as descriptions of each of the divisions and programs and their origins. Read the full narrative below.

And as for being a school without walls, thirty years later the School of Public Health’s emphasis on student/faculty use of online tools and social media publishing is spreading the School’s activities and influences far beyond the map above. It is also expanding the archival terms of digitally documenting and preserving such activities for institutional memory and historical research.
